Introducing.....Glenn. Um. And...Foster...
Lets take a moment on the story train here for a story of a different kind...
Monday Katie and I hung out with C, but then she had to go to a work meeting. So Katie and I decided we'd go to the pet store and get a little fishbowl for our fake glass fish that hang from wires. C and I thought it'd be cute...
While there Katie and I decided to look at the real fish (and puppies...sadly, they had no puppies...) and for some reason Katie decided I should get a real fish. The even bigger question is why I thought this was a great idea. Next thing I know we're buying fish food, water purifier and a little orange and black goldfish with a mustache. Yeah.
We were pretty excited about it though...except we hadn't actually BOUGHT a fish bowl whild at the Pet store. We figured they were all pretty small and/or ugly and we'd find a better one somewhere else. Well we got back to the apt and let the newly named, Glenn, hang out in his plastic bag while we went and found him a bowl. We found a $2 bowl at the dollar store...which was rather small but we were running out of options! SO we went home and got Glenn settled into his new habitat, which was, again, rather small. But it was to be just temporary as we planned on getting him a new, bigger, bowl...
C didn't know about the real fish, so it was all a big surprise when she got home. Yay! Here's our Glenn...awww...our first pet!
But sadly...the next day Glenn showed signs that his health was waning...though we didn't really figure that out til well, it was too late. I think the bowl was just too small and he wasn't getting the air circulation he needed. Poor little dude. We're sorry!! R.I.P Glenn!!!
We were pretty torn up about our first attempt at keeping another little being here alive going sour. But we really loved the idea of having a little fish or something in the we decided to get another one...
I didn't have the opportunity to go back to the pet store til Friday, and well, luckily Glenn came with a 30 day warranty...though in his case apparently a 10 or even 5 day warranty would've been plenty, haha. Oh Glenn...we hardly knew yee...
Enter, Foster.
When Katie and I were picking out a fish I saw one with black on his tail and fins and thought he was cool, then we saw another with even MORE black on his tail and fins and a little black mustache. Aka, Glenn. So when I went back to the store and they still had the little dude with less black on him that I had originally spotted first, I knew I had to get him. Even though he bares a striking resemblance to Glenn, it seemed only right. And now...our darling Foster...who, is now the child of over proctective parents. If he were our toddler, he'd be wearing a helmet. He's got a bigger fish tank, rocks, a plant and an air filter. Yay! And he seems to be liking his new digs...I think he's the coolest fish in town...
Foster the Fish......Welcome Home.
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