Friday, December 22, 2006

Look at me! I'm urban!

Well tonight I decided that a.) I'm officially totally urbanized and 2.) I'm probably manic, hahaha.

Last night I was all emo and crying...making late night phone calls to Russia and breaking stuff. Wishing Christmas would go fuck itself and telling the phone to jump off a cliff. Hoping, wishing, praying that Friday would come and the end would be near. (God I can't wait for work to be done tomorrow!!!!) We're having a potluck lunch tomorrow at work and I'm so stressed about what to bring. Damn I hate it when shit like this is thrust upon me. Just because I'm working I have to bring some food for everyone?? I hate that. I'm too poor for this shit. I work for a store that can make 50,000 on a good day (in just ONE DAY) and they can't even spring for a store thrown staff Christmas party? Instead we have to bring it all ourselves? It's sweet and all but shit. You don't fucking pay me enough for that crap, man. Nonetheless, my sweet and sour pork things are in the fridge as we speak. Though it doesn't look like enough for however many people are on tomorrow, so I think I'll stop and get a dip thing tomorrow on the way to work too.

Then just Christmas and not being with my family was making me all sad. I'm missing my little nephew opening his presents for the SECOND time and he'll be so damn cute this year because he's so big now and can run around and stuff. And worse yet, I don't even have money to send him something awesome. I know he's totally spoiled, but I figured if I can't be there I could at least be the totally cool Aunt that sends him awesome shit from out West. Oh well. Maybe I'll have more money when he's bigger and then he'll remember the cool presents I send him, haha. Not having much money to get people what I want to get them really blows. We're trying to be more inventive this year, and I think we have done a good job...but even being inventive apparently adds up.

But tonight I'm much happier. Though, admittedly, I've just depressed myself a bit again by recounting my emotional rollercoaster that was last evening, haha. But moving on........

Tonight....I've become so urban it hurts. I can feel my Starbucks hot chocolate burning a hole thru my mittens and the mp3 player I won't go on a walk without ripping through my pocket. I've become one of them. Though I love it. It feels like a neighbourhood around here now. I have neighbours. (And the majority, if not all of them, are boys. Ahhhh. Excellent. Just the way I likes it, hehe.) On a regular Thursday night, I can walk just up the street to where my lady is working and visit her for a few minutes, then walk across the street to another coffee shop where my friends are playing a show. WHERE, one of my best friends in the world is sitting, having coffee with her Mum WATCHING said show....and low and behold, the aforementioned cute neighbour boys walk in with their friends and family to sit, have a cuppa and watch the show too. Because we're all friends and this is where we live and what we do. We can sit and talk and hug and laugh and have a great time for half an hour, then all part ways knowing we'll all see each other really soon (like tomorrow, haha) because we live just blocks from each other. Then I can hug everyone good bye, wish them a very Merry Christmas, walk back to the roomies store, get a hot chocolate (the only time I can ever get her to make me something to eat, hehe) and walk home listening to my tunes and sipping sweet liquid chocolatey glory.

That's what Christmas is all about. I needed that. I love my friends, my new family and my old family.

I love my life.

Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 11, 2006

My FRIDAY Night...

So Friday night was a ton of fun too. Katie, Andrea and I went to see the Brothers Keogh (aka Smiling Politely) play at the TC Lions Club, as they have started doing every Friday night. As usual they were joined by the one and only Johnny Leroux as well as everyone's favourite one man band, Dino DiNicolo. The crazy friends/fans were out in full force as was the silliness........all of which is the main reason we go see the boys play. And we love them, of course. They keep me amused and entertained. The hip hop/R&B version of Sweet Home, Alabama was awesome. It rocked my world. I want to make love to it, haha. Wait. What?

Then we met up with C-spot at the Railway to see which of our favourite bartenders won the bet...there was much ado and it was agreed on (by Aaron) that Aaron won, haha. Though I still think Keith's K-fed look was pretty pimpin. But Aaron's pinstripes took the prize I think. Hehe.

Here's the downlo on the ridiculousness for that promise...the photos...

Opps. How'd that get in there?? Oh riiiiight....I had a photo shoot while waiting for Katie and Andrea. LOL Er...

Katie, Andrea & I at the Lions Club

Ridin' Dirtay with the A'drea haha

Katie pretending she's not naughty...

At the Railway...

Hot nuts anyone?

Unimpressed by lady C's affection....

C with her crazy eyes....haha

I'm an idiot.

Awww...I really love this pic!

K-Fed in the hizzouse...haha. You be the judge...(though I do lovvvve Aaron's hat....)

So that's my weekend. Saturday played it tired, p'oh and safe. In otherwords...I was a total gamekiller and actually stayed at home, haha. Though I managed to spend nothing any of the other two nights miraculously, except 2 dollars on a tip and 2 dollars on parking...I couldn't handle another night on the town. It was sweet none the less though as Kat came and crashed and I forgot to give her her silly birthday present AGAIN, haha. Opps! Mind like a steel trap, I tells ya.

Tonight we had a fake Christmas tree delivered care of Beth, Christine's Mom...and now it sits naked and alone where the rat and the foot collage called home. (The rat, ie Rosie the hamster, has returned along with her bar to its original corner under the window and the foot collage is now in an even more central viewing location in the hallway with its own light. Oooo. I likes it there.) Tomorrow. We decorate and roll out Christmas! Yay!

We may even bake.......

My Thursday night...

So right now I could answer alot of those Stereophonics questions from the previous post...but one in particular stands out right now and the answer is yes. I do miss someone special I don't see any more....but he made my day today by telling me I'll see him next weekend. Didn't realize just how much I missed the bastard until he wasn't around any more and even more so...til he told me he was coming back. Though it is temporary and I feel this is how our friendship will continue for quite awhile. I'm ok with that. Just can't wait to see him. I have a smile on my face now because of him. It's like your birthday and Christmas just popping up totally randomly whenever they want. Hehe.

Now on to my Thursday & Friday nights. Hmmm...lets see. The Kamakazi Night show was awesome. The now named "Blonde Squad" (with everyone's favourite little brunette tossed into the mix) hit the town to see my friend Kev play PUNK 340 on Thursday and they rocked the house. Better show than last time...mainly because I was drunk, all my favourite ladies in the world were there and I got to see my cute little freak who I've grown strangely attached to. Love it. Here are the goods...

Amsy and I!

The Blonde Squad: Katya, Moi, Amy & Katie get all freeeakay!

Kevin doing his thing and looking hot doing it!


Rarrrrr! Katie just always looks too sweet.

Bathroom shenanigans...



One of my favorite Stereophonics songs:


It's your time
It's your day
It's never too late
To change lanes
How's your life?
How's your place?
Was it where you wanted
Your head to lay?

But wait, you can breathe
You can see what I can see
Don't waste your time
You can't make back

If you could rewind your time
Would you change your life?

Do you like you?
Do you love your wife?
Or did you pick what
You're told was right?

Dream and be
What you feel
Don't you compromise
What you wanna be

'Cause change is okay
What's the point in staying the same
Regrets, forget what's dead and gone

If you could rewind your time
Would you change your life?

If Jesus rode in on a camel today
With your cross on his shoulder
Time to take you away
Have you done all you wanted?
Are you happy and warm?
Do you miss someone special
You don't see anymore?
Have you blood on your hands?
Do you dream of white sands?
Can you sleep well at night?
Have you done all you can?
The place I was born in
Stays crooked and straight
I see innocent blue eyes
Go blind everyday

Rewind your time
Would you change your life

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I just about burned the pasta....daaaamn.

So C's been blogging alot lately and I feel like I've been a let down to all who may ACTUALLY read this. I don't know who that is, but hey...

Christine hung her stocking by the chimney with care, waiting for M-peg's sock to join it there...I really must dig out my stocking(s) so I can hang it too. I'm starting to get excited for Christmas. I want the tree and the decorations and the cookies and the people. Games night it is. I have a hankering for my best friends to come over and do what we do best. Be silly. I miss those times when just the girls came over and we did stupid things like burn cookies, haha. So we must set it up soon. Cookies and decorations...then the boys can come over for games night and wine and to eat said cookies (and decorations?? Prolly. Haha. Ya'll haven't met the boys...)

Last, I can't believe there's a "last year" already. When did that happen?? But LAST YEAR...we had these big plans to take Christmas pics and to send out Christmas cards. It didn't happen. This year, we shall make it happen!! I really want to and if we don't we'll have to wait a whoollllle other year! Can't have that. I want to take that pic. Maybe we'll do that this week. Yes.

Watching the Strombo. Now on the main CBC network...the best time slot for me really, 11pm. Right when I should be going to bed, but just can't bring myself to do so because I'm too restless. Right when I COULD be watching Jon Stewart (and sometimes do), but would rather be watching George because he informs me of all the things I never pay attention to...and he makes me laugh while doing so. Not to mention I'm always the eager beaver to see how many combinations of black and red one man can pull off. Love it.

I'm too lazy to post photos like C-spot. But I will post this:

My friend Mat's article(s)...which I believe is a new weekly occurance. The boy cracks me up and is a wealth of both useless and useful knowledge. He's an adventure guide with a wicked sense of humor and strange taste in collectibles...but he'll make sure you don't get eaten out on the trail. Check it out.

I just added a weird array of music to my new Sandisk Sansa. (Thanks, Santa! You came early this year, and unlike most girls...I'm not offended by that.) The list includes the Dixie Chicks (Travelling Soldier), a punk band fronted by my creepy friend Kevin named Kamakazinight (Roses Over Me), Carbon Leaf (the whole of disc 1 from 5 Alive!) and some Feist (cause I'm alllll about Inside and Out right now.) I think I have a pretty electic taste in music and I wouldn't have it any other way. I believe in giving everyone a chance and seeing the musical talent in those that deserve it, even if you aren't really "into" the type of music they produce. I like it loud somedays, celtic and bouncy others and lame and girlie yet another day. Or all in the same day.

So it's time to shit or get off of here...I mean. Get off the pot. Isn't that the saying? I say 2007 is the year to get my shit together and actually try to make something. Whether it be unrecognized art that I really believe in and at least put my heart into, or rockin photos of boys playing music that people actually get to see. It's time to get in there and do something I at least feel strongly about. I feel like the year that I set out to just "be" here has come and gone and now it's time to ask myself why I'm here at all and what am I going to do about it? I thought I needed a partner, and maybe that would make it easier and more fun (and for once I'm not talking about someone to cuddle with...I mean a "business" partner)...but maybe I need to make this happen for myself. I just wish I didn't feel like I was jumping off the mountain face first without a parachute.

What does the adventure guide say about that in his article?

Prob wouldn't say don't jump......just make do with what you've got and be prepared.

Pinhole camera here I come.

This weekend on the agenda, assuming I'm actually well and this isn't a 'non-sick' phase....the aforementioned Kamakazinight is playing PUNK 340 and my favorite pair of brothers is doing their thing down at the Lions Club...not to mention there's a bet to be settled at our favorite hang out and we're dying to see who wins. The players have multiplied and the stakes are high. Hehe...there will be photos. I promise.