Monday, December 11, 2006

My FRIDAY Night...

So Friday night was a ton of fun too. Katie, Andrea and I went to see the Brothers Keogh (aka Smiling Politely) play at the TC Lions Club, as they have started doing every Friday night. As usual they were joined by the one and only Johnny Leroux as well as everyone's favourite one man band, Dino DiNicolo. The crazy friends/fans were out in full force as was the silliness........all of which is the main reason we go see the boys play. And we love them, of course. They keep me amused and entertained. The hip hop/R&B version of Sweet Home, Alabama was awesome. It rocked my world. I want to make love to it, haha. Wait. What?

Then we met up with C-spot at the Railway to see which of our favourite bartenders won the bet...there was much ado and it was agreed on (by Aaron) that Aaron won, haha. Though I still think Keith's K-fed look was pretty pimpin. But Aaron's pinstripes took the prize I think. Hehe.

Here's the downlo on the ridiculousness for that promise...the photos...

Opps. How'd that get in there?? Oh riiiiight....I had a photo shoot while waiting for Katie and Andrea. LOL Er...

Katie, Andrea & I at the Lions Club

Ridin' Dirtay with the A'drea haha

Katie pretending she's not naughty...

At the Railway...

Hot nuts anyone?

Unimpressed by lady C's affection....

C with her crazy eyes....haha

I'm an idiot.

Awww...I really love this pic!

K-Fed in the hizzouse...haha. You be the judge...(though I do lovvvve Aaron's hat....)

So that's my weekend. Saturday played it tired, p'oh and safe. In otherwords...I was a total gamekiller and actually stayed at home, haha. Though I managed to spend nothing any of the other two nights miraculously, except 2 dollars on a tip and 2 dollars on parking...I couldn't handle another night on the town. It was sweet none the less though as Kat came and crashed and I forgot to give her her silly birthday present AGAIN, haha. Opps! Mind like a steel trap, I tells ya.

Tonight we had a fake Christmas tree delivered care of Beth, Christine's Mom...and now it sits naked and alone where the rat and the foot collage called home. (The rat, ie Rosie the hamster, has returned along with her bar to its original corner under the window and the foot collage is now in an even more central viewing location in the hallway with its own light. Oooo. I likes it there.) Tomorrow. We decorate and roll out Christmas! Yay!

We may even bake.......


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