Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Where in the HELL have I been!???
Well...I'll tell you!!
This post is going to be FULL of pics, so sit your arse down with a nice cup of tea and be prepared to feast your eyes on the gorgeous places this lassie has been hitting up lately. I've fallen in love with this countryside and I can't believe I live here. It's truly breathtaking at times.
But without further adieu...where shall we start?? Obviously the beginning, or what I see as the beginning of the summer really...

For one night in June...(June 6th to be exact, haha)...Katie & Christine decided to camp at Porteau Cove. They were the only ones with the time off from work to sleep over night, but Amy & Dino, Sarah and myself all drove up the night they stayed over for a little hot dog action and to watch the sunset over the mountains. It was gorgeous! C & Sarah took a few of these before I got there...

But there was also an amazing sunset and a cute boy to chop our wood....who could complain about that??? Not me.
And a view of the crazy sea to sky highway that Christine some how managed to make me navigate...probably only because I had no clue what I was in for, haha.