After these messages we'll be riiiiiight back!
In lieu of continuing on with the GBS story, I feel the need to post about a gorgeous day. Today was not that day. Today was a pretty shitty day in fact and tomorrow will be too, but will (I have faith) have a good ending. Then it's a time for a new beginning and who knows what that will bring...but I feel it will be something great.
Monday felt that way. Monday was gorgeous. Not a word I'd normally choose to describe a Monday...but not only was Monday was was glorious in fact.
C & I both had the day after a short jaunt up the hill to London Drugs...we gathered some blankets, some snacks, music and reading material and headed to the park. See...Monday was the first absolutely sunny and hot day we've had this year and we had to take advantage since it's not often we get to have the same day off either. So we lay in the park for a few hours, taking photos, listening to music and just hanging out. Sigh...

Then after a brief conference with the Sisters, they were on their way to our apartment, picnic in the boot (hehe) and a surprise in the back seat...unbeknownst to me...

No...not THAT Doyle...but better yet, THE DOYLE. SWEET!!!! It made my day that the girls brought Doyle AND did such a good job of making it a surprise. Lovely, lovely. We tossed our contribution to the picnic in the boot as well and we were off to the beach!

It seemed that dogs weren't allowed on the beach at first, so we were forced to leave Doyle in the car while we ate, then we were going to take him for a walk. So we broke out the picnic and feasted in the sand...yay!!!

But then we saw some people with their dog on the beach and even some crazy ass mofo's with a CAT on the beach. (They tried to throw it in the ocean...oh yeah, I know. THEY'S CRAZY!) So Katie went and got Doyle, who had convienently turned on the 4-way flashers on the car, in case we forgot where he was...hahaha.
And then we frolicked...

And Doyle dug...

Couldn't have been more perfect really...I had a dog, if only for the day, and my 3 best friends around me on a fuckin amazing day on the frickin BEACH. Looking out into the ocean as far as you can see. It was awesome in every sense of the word.

Then we decided to take Doyle up to C's Starbucks up the street and get a drink...yay! And met some of the really cool cherry trees along the way...they are EVERY WHERE here!

Doyle at the 'bucks...

And Amy had an obsession with knocking the petals off the cherry on the way back we decided to see who could reach the high was a smart plan. Especially outside the cop shop...
Me, Doyle & the Sisters in front of the paddy wagon, er...cherry tree...

By that time it was getting a bit it was back to the homestead for us gather 'round the 'puter and show the girls some pics...

It was a great end to a great day...can't wait to do it again ALLLLL SUMMER LONG, BABY!!!!!
And's one of my favorite pics from the day...
Me with my new boyfriend...hehe...

Then Christine showed us some of her porn and the show was over...