Wednesday, September 14, 2005

So much to say, so much to say....

Well Jebus, Mary and Joseph...where to begin??

The new arrival is two weeks old now. Whew! He's gotten so big already I can't believe it! His name is Constantine...what a cutie pie! I will refrain from posting his photo though. I assure you all though, he is cute as a button. Hehe. Finally got to hold him and's just so unreal for me. It was crazy enough when my brother (who is my only sibling) got married. Now he's a Dad?! That's craziness to me. But he's going to be such a great Dad. He already is. I see how much he loves that little guy and it's just so sweet. Makes me realize that I'm just not ready to be that completely selfless yet, but I now know that some day, I will be and will want kids. To be honest, I really wasn't sure for a long time there, but after all this...when the time is finally right, I will definitely want them. Seeing my husband with our baby would just be so damn adorable! Hehe. But until then...I will be very content with being the awesome Auntie who brings Lil C wicked presents.

In other news....omgomgomgomg. I MOVE to friggin VANCOUVER next Saturday. To sit here and say I'm not totally losing my mind over that thought would be a complete and udder lie, haha. But at the same time, I have never been this excited and exhilerated in all my life. This is going to be a huge step, but it's going to be so amazing. I seriously can not wait. C got us what sounds like a friggin wicked apartment and sounds like we may even have some furniture and everything, it's going to be amazing. It's going to be super hard to leave it all behind, but what I could gain could be the rest of my life.

Here goes nothing, people!!!!!!!


Blogger Christine said...





xo C.

4:07 AM  
Blogger Meg said...

Why the hell do I keep getting spam on my blog??? GRRR! LOL


11:49 PM  

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