This week...
So first, well I guess it was actually last week...I get to see Russell Crowe put on the most amazing performance as Depression Era boxer James J. Braddock in Cinderella Man...

Brilliant performance. More on that later...
Then I get to see him do this...

Yep. Get arrested.
I love the man dearly, I've been a huge fan for about 4 or 5 years now. I think he is an amazing actor and truly a genuinely good hearted man. But man is he stupid sometimes, haha. Once you've read a bit about him and seen some of interviews it doesn't take long to see that he's actually a great guy and not at all who the media portrays him to be. He's funny and charming and sweet. But he has made some dumb moves in the past and this seems to be the last straw as it landed him in a Manhattan jail. I won't go in to detail, but he had arrived after a whirlwind trip to Manchester, UK and back and was trying to call his wife and son in Australia and the phones weren't working and hadn't been all week, I guess. So he took the phone from his room down to the desk clerk in the lobby and threw it against a wall, which resulted in the clerk also getting hit. The police were called and RC was hauled off to the slammer for the night, only to be released to a feeding frenzy of media in the morning. Oh it was fun. Russ has since apologized for his unbelievably foolish behaviour and it's quite clear it was never his intention to hurt anyone, he was just frustrated. (No excuse for losing it like that, but still.)
Personally I think it's kinda funny. I mean of all the stupid things to get arrested for...throwing a phone?? Haha. But someone got hurt, so I suppose it's not something that should be made light of. Whatever. It sure was an uncessary chink in the armor though, especially since this current press tour he's been on for CM was going so well and was so far very entertaining and funny. Luckily, leave it to Conan, he was on Late Night tonight and Conan and he had a good laugh and it seems his humor has returned. Hopefully he can forgive himself for his assinine behaviour, move on, settle this thing with the hotel clerk and go home so his wife can kick his ass.
The one cute thing about it all is this guy...

...who has been with RC since the L.A Premiere. It has been some what of a dream partnership that one of my favorite musicians, Alan Doyle (of Great Big Sea) and my favorite actor got together to make such a fantastic album. Alan, being the sweet little innocent Canadian boy that he is has prob had quite the eye opener of a tour of duty with Rusty on this trek across the countryside to promote the movie...but I can't even imagine what it's been like since RC got arrested. Wow. But it seems Alan has hung in there cause he went with him to Letterman the other night when RC spoke for the first time about the incident. Good on him for being a great new friend for Russell and hopefully a voice of reason and calm now.
So on to the film...

The film is awesome. One of Russell's best and so it's sad that it may get over shadowed by the arrest hype. Hopefully it can win people over because it is fantastic and so great I think I'll prob end up seeing it again in the theatre. Something I have only ever done once before...I saw Austin Powers 3 in the theatre twice, but the second time was really mostly because it was cheap and not too many other options...and it is a damn funny movie. I would definitely pay full price again to go see this movie though. It's that good. Russell is so amazing in it, Paul Giamatti plays his manager/coach and Renne Zellwegger plays his wife. The whole thing is just fantastic, I highly recommend it. If you're not big on the boxing...there is quite alot of boxing in it, but its more about how the man overcame the serious downfalls he and his family suffered during the depression after having been so successful and having it all. It's inspiring and heartwrenching. It's the epitomy of the "you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll cheer" movie. It's all that and so much more.
Now if Russ would just stop throwing phones at people, he'd do alright.
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